A Retrospective Study of the Role of Probation Revocation in Future Criminal Justice Involvement
Miriam Northcutt Bohmert, Troy Hatfield, Carmen L. Diaz, Evan M. Lowder, Michelle Ying
July 8, 2024
An integrated model of prosecutor decision-making
Rachel Bowman, Belén Lowrey-Kinberg, Jon Gould
October 30, 2024
Police Responses to People Experiencing Homelessness
Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Kayla Allison, Kaitlyn Campbell, Mitchell A. Farrell
October 5, 2024
“Moving choice to center stage” in the relationship between the self and offending: Integrating symbolic interactionism and rational choice
Jennifer O’Neill
October 15, 2024
Timely Intelligence Enhances Criminal Investigations: Investigators' Ratings of Ballistics Imaging Across Three Cities
Jessica Huff, William R. King, Charles M. Katz, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Kenneth J. Novak, Silas Patterson
Evaluation of a Court-Ordered Violence Prevention Program for Gun-Involved Youths
Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Theodore S. Lentz
Risky Digital Behavior or Risky Digital Places? Victimization Risk Perception and Evaluation on the Internet
Rachel L. McNealey, Adam Ghazi-Tehrani
The Influence of Routine Health Care on Reoffending in a Sample of Gun Involved Youths
Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Theodore S. Lentz, Stuart D. Lewis
Unraveling the Patterns of Complexity in Transnational Corporate Bribery
Fiona Chan, Rachel Boratto, Mark Speers
Symbolic Interactionism, Role identifies, and Delinquency: Examining the Moderating Role of Social Rewards
Jennifer O’Neill
Sentinel Event Reviews: Applications in Criminal Justice Settings
Edmund f. McGarrell, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Mallory O'Brien
Progressive Politics and Policy Setting: Examining Criminal Justice Reform Efforts by Black Prosecutors
Tri Keah Henry, Tyeisha Fordham, Julius Mitchell
Gender in the Courtroom Workgroup: Understanding the Relationship Between the Composition of Workgroups and the Gender Gap in Punishment
Rachel Bowman, Daniela Oramas Mora, Cassia Spohn
Pathways to Offense Charging: Examining Defense Decision-Making During Case Processing
Tri Keah Henry, Howard Henderson
After-Action Reviews and the Big Black Hole of Improvement Processes
Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Benjamin D. Hunter
Patterns of Compliance and Noncompliance During Probation
Evan M. Lowder, Miriam Northcutt Bohmert, Carmen Diaz, Michelle Ying, Eric Grommon, Troy Hatfield
Opportunity and Corporate Financial Crime: The Role of Offender-Guardian Overlap
Fiona Chan, Carole Gibbs
Interacting Race/Ethnicity and Legal Factors on Sentencing Decision: A Test of the Liberation Hypothesis
Kareem L. Jordan, Rachel Bowman
Unintentional Nonfatal Shootings
Anne E. Reynolds, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Heidi Hancher-Rauch, Elizabeth Moore
"Heart and Soul of a Prosecutor": The Impact of Prosecutor Role Orientation on Charging Decisions
Belen Lorey-Kinberg, Jon Gould, Rachel Bowman
The Hidden Practice of Utilizing Bonds to Cover Legal Financial Obligations
Carmen Diaz, Michelle Ying, Miriam Northcutt Bohmert, Jessica Meckes, Mitchell Farrell
Process Oriented Intervention for Citizen-Friendly and Accountable Policing
Arvind Verma, N. Swetha
"Extremely Creepy, but Nothing Illegal": Charging Patterns During Pre-Arrest Screening
Belen Lorey-Kinberg, Rachel Bowman, Jon Gould
Spatial Mismatch, Race and Ethnicity, and Unemployment: Implications for Interventions with Women on Probation and Parole
Ariel Roddy, Merry Morash, Miriam Northcutt Bohmert
Examining the Within-Individual Effect of Delinquency on Psychosocial Maturity in Mid-Adolescence
Elaine Eggleston Doherty, Jennifer O’Neill
In-Your-Face Watergate: Neutralizing Government Lawbreaking and the War Against White-Collar Crime
Henry N. Pontell, Robert Tillman, Adam Ghazi-Tehrani
Reflected Appraisals Across Multiple Reference Groups: Discrepancies in Self and Individual Delinquency
Kyle Thomas, Jennifer O’Neill
Desires and Desirability of Volunteers in CoSA Programs
Mia Gilliam, Megan Novak, Miriam Northcutt Bohmert, Grant Duwe
Understanding Transnational Bribery: A Corporate Crime Framework
Fiona Chan, Carole Gibbs, Rachel Boratto, Mark Speers
Attributing Responsibility When Police Officers are Killed in the Line of Duty: An Ethnographic Content Analysis of Local Print News Media Frames
Jeff Gruenewald, Natalie Kroovand Hipple
Building a Robust Cyberthreat Profile for Institutions of Higher Education
Diana S. Dolliver, Adam Ghazi-Tehrani, Kevin T. Poorman
Beauty is in the Eye of the Offender: Physical Attractiveness and Adolescent Victimization
Jukka Savolainen, Jonathan Brauer, Noora Ellonen
Biased Coverage of Bias Crime: Examining Differences in Media Coverage of Hate Crimes and Terrorism
Adam Ghazi-Tehrani, Erin M Kearns
Facilitating Sexual Assault Reporting on the College Campus
Tri Keah Henry, Travis W. Franklin, Cortney A. Franklin
What Does Success Look Like? Lessons from the Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) Program
Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Jessica Saunders, Kayla Allison, Jessica Peterson
Revolving Doors: Examining the Effect of Race and Ethnicity on Discretionary Decision Making in Parole Revocations
Tri Keah Henry
Estimating the Impact of Research Practitioner Partnerships on Evidence-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) Program
Jessica Saunders, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Kayla Allison, Jessica Peterson
Beyond the Breakfast Club: Variability in the Effects of Suspensions by School Context
Stephanie Wiley, Lee Ann Slocum, Jennifer O’Neill, Finn-Aage Esbensen
The Case for Studying Criminal Nonfatal Shootings: Evidence from Four Midwest Cities
Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Beth M. Huebner, Theodore S. Lentz, Edmund F. McGarrell, Mallory O'Brien
Identification, Corroboration, and Charging: Examining the Use of DNA Evidence by Prosecutors in Sexual Assault Cases
Tri Keah Henry, Alicia L. Jurek
Comparing Violent and Non-Violent Gang Incidents: An Exploration of Gang-Related Police Incident Reports
Dena Carson, Natalie Kroovand Hipple
Education and Transition for Students with Disabilities in American Juvenile Correctional Facilities
Theresa A. Ochoa, Nicki M. Weller, Corinne Datchi, Miriam Northcutt Bohmert, Derek Grubbs