We are happy to introduce the newest members of the Department of Criminal Justice: Fiona Chan, Bonnie Ernst, and Melissa Hunt.
New Faculty and Staff
Dr. Fiona Chan, Assistant Professor
Fiona Chan joined the department in the fall. Her research focuses on white-collar crime, corporate injustice, regulatory crime enforcement and prevention, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the criminal justice process and research. Dr. Chan earned her Ph.D. from Michigan State University where her dissertation, Enhancing Corporate Crime Enforcement with Machine Learning: A Multidisciplinary Risk Factor Approach was funded by the National Institute of Justice.

Dr. Bonnie Ernst, Assistant Professor
Bonnie Ernst (re)joined the department this spring. Dr. Ernst was a Visiting Assistant Professor in 2018-2019 before moving to the University of Florida in 2019. She earned her Ph.D. from Northwestern University, and her research focuses on the history of race, gender, and criminal justice in the United States. She is currently working on a book that examines how the women’s movement shaped activism among incarcerated women, attorneys, and community leaders during the rise of mass incarceration in Detroit.

Melissa Hunt, Graduate Coordinator
Melissa Hunt joined the department in the fall to serve as the Administrative Assistant Graduate Coordinator. Melissa is the Main Office initial contact, works directly with the Director of Graduate Studies and graduate students. Melissa has been with Indiana University for seventeen years and joins us from similar work in the Jewish Studies Program. Melissa has a strong background serving students and the Indiana University community and we are delighted that she is bringing her skills to our department.