Katherine Inez Barrus
Graduate Student
- kbarrus@iu.edu
policing, perceptions of police legitimacy, victim and witness cooperation with police, African American English
Graduate Student
policing, perceptions of police legitimacy, victim and witness cooperation with police, African American English
Graduate Student
racial, ethnic, and class-based inequalities in the criminal justice system; prosecutorial discretion; the pretrial period; community supervision experiences
Graduate Student
general adolescent delinquency; technology mediated delinquency; criminological theory; quantitative methodology; moral norms and criminal/deviant behavior; legal financial obligations and impacts on probation/parole; police response to homelessness
Graduate Student
restorative justice; re-entry; juvenile justice; constitutional reformation and its relevance to our criminal justice system; racial injustice and the effects of racism on our criminal justice system, restorative justice
Graduate Student
distance decay; crime and geography; policing strategies; police use of social media; policing people experiencing homelessness
Graduate Student
discretion in the legal system; constitutional law or criminal rights and liberties; authoritarianism; queer criminology
Graduate Student
policing, police investigations, violent crime, spatial criminology
Graduate Student
criminalization of disability, especially in the context of juvenile delinquency and educational institutions
Graduate Student
monetary sanctions or legal financial obligations; restorative justice
Graduate Student
restorative justice; corrections; re-entry and recidivism; queer criminology
Graduate Student
mental health, rehabilitation, and treatment of justice-involved individuals; substance abuse; re-entry; comparative criminal justice
Graduate Student
qualitative research methods; white-collar and corporate crime; victimology; restorative justice; environmental justice
Graduate Student
psychology and the law; restorative justice; legislation; social organization; perceptions of crime; infrastructure and its influence on crime
Graduate Student
housing access; corrections; gender and crime; re-entry and recidivism; qualitative methods
Graduate Student
juvenile status and delinquency offending; violent interactions; firearm violence; social network analysis of NIBIN lead involved cases
Graduate Student
child and adolescent development; juvenile delinquency; community-based alternatives to incarceration; school punishment and adolescent identity formation
Graduate Student
power; culture; organizations; corruption; recruitment and retention; political crime; military sexual assault; qualitative methods
Graduate Student
public and environmental health; housing; crime and place; opioid epidemic and HIV; rural areas; court programs; GIS and spatial analysis
Graduate Student
criminological theories; juvenile delinquency; hate crimes; restorative and retributive justice
Graduate Student
crime and media; race and the perception of crime; intersectionality within the criminal justice system; restorative justice
Graduate Student
cybercrime and the dynamic interplay between technology development and criminal/deviant activities