- J.D., Columbia University School of Law, 1993
- Ph.D., Psychology, University of Chicago, 1990
- M.A., Social Science, University of Chicago, 1988

Roger J.R. Levesque
Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Affiliate, Maurer School of Law
Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Affiliate, Maurer School of Law
Professor Levesque currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. In addition to being the first journal devoted to the study of adolescence (founded over 50 years ago), it is the most cited to journal of its kind as well as the most widely found in libraries worldwide; it also currently has the highest Impact Factor (5.62) and Eigenfactors of journals devoted to the social science understanding of adolescence. When compared to those journals, the journal contains the most downloaded materials, with well over a million full-text downloads recorded every year. You are encouraged to view the journal’s website here and to consider submitting your empirical work relating to the period of adolescence.
He also is Editor-in Chief of Adolescent Research Review, which publishes articles critically reviewing important contributions to the understanding of adolescence. Currently, the Review has an impact factor of 5.05, which ranks it among the top journals focusing on adolescent development. The Review draws from the many subdisciplines of developmental science, psychological science, education, criminology, public health, medicine, social work, sociology, and other allied disciplines that address the subject of youth and adolescence. The review supports articles that bridge gaps between disciplines, or that focus on topics that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries, in ways that advance developmental science, practice or policy relating to adolescents.
Professor Levesque also edits Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development, a book series examining social and individual factors that contribute to adolescents’ responsibility (including irresponsibility) in multiple contexts and settings. The book series is the largest devoted to the adolescent period; it includes 25 books and several forthcoming. Please see the the current listing of books. If you would like your writing project considered, feel free to contact Dr. Levesque directly for more information.
He currently is completing the third edition of the Encyclopedia of Adolescence, the most multidisciplinary, comprehensive research compendium focused on the period of adolescence.
Professor Levesque is the recipient of numerous awards and has earned many distinctions. The Association for Psychological Science (APS) (previously the American Psychological Society) has elected him Fellow in recognition of his outstanding contributions to developmental science. In addition, the American Psychological Association (APA) has elected him Fellow in recognition of his contributions to the field of psychology and law as well as his contribution to psychology’s place in the study of social issues; he is Fellow in the American Psychology/Law Society as well as the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. He also has gained fellow status for his contributions to youth policy development, in the Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice, as well as for his contributions to developmental science, in APA’s Division 7: Developmental Psychology. Recently, Professor Levesque won the Trustees Teaching Excellence Award and the Society for Research on Adolescence Outstanding Book Award for his book entitled Not by Faith Alone. He also won the American Psychology and Law Society Outstanding Book Award, 2009, for his Adolescents, Media and the Law. He has chaired the American Orthopsychiatric Association’s Task Force on Mental Health and Human Rights and has served on several recent task forces and working groups, including some under the auspices of the American Psychological Association and the offices of the U.S. Surgeon General. For his work on human rights law, he received the Marion Langer Award (2013) from the American Orthopsychiatric Association. Professor Levesque also has led training seminars for professionals interested in a wide variety of topics relating to adolescents and the law.
Refer to the CV for a complete list of publications, articles, invited talks, and presentations.