The Criminal Justice Department offers three types of internships.
- Field Experience in Criminal Justice (CJUS-P481)
The Field Experience in Criminal Justice (CJUS-P481) allows you to apply content knowledge in a real-world setting. Our Internship Coordinator will pair you with local and state organizations such as the following:
- Court Administrator’s Office
- Monroe County Jail Transition Program
- Probation Department
- Prosecutor’s Office
- Public Defender
- Middleway House
- Brown County Probation
- Community Catalysts
- Community Justice and Mediation Center (CJAM)
You also have the option of arranging your own internship with other organizations in Bloomington, the state, or the nation. With either option, you can earn 3-6 credits in the CJUS major.
Learn how to apply- Research Internship (CJUS-P496)
A Research Internship (CJUS-P496) offers you the opportunity to actively participate in a research project under the direction of a faculty member while earning 1-3 credit hours. This internship course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
See how to apply- Teaching Internship (CJUS-P497)
The Teaching Internship (CJUS-P497) gives you experience assisting in an undergraduate course in Criminal Justice while earning 1-3 credit hours. This internship course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
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