Arvind Verma is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Associate Director of India Studies Program at Indiana University, Bloomington (USA). His research interests are in Policing; Criminal Justice Policy Issues, Indian Police, Research Methods, Mathematical Modeling, and Geographical Information Systems. He is the Managing Editor of Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, and consultant to the Bureau of Police Research and Development, Government of India.
His recent publications [some jointly] include Police Mission: Challenges and Responses published by Scarecrow Press; "Technological Applications for the Police" Indian Police Journal; "Consolidation of the Raj: Notes from a Police Station in British India: 1865-1928" Criminal Justice History; "Teaching Police Officers Human Rights: Some Observations" International Journal of Human Rights and "A Topological Representation of the Criminal Event" Western Criminology Review.
His current projects include Policing of Elections in India; Measuring Police Performance through Data Envelopment Analysis and a book [under contract] titled Indian Police: a Critical Review.