Transportation Issues

Transportation Issues
Miriam Northcutt Bohmert
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From the book chapter in Female Offenders and Reentry: Pathways and Barriers to Returning to Society:

"There is a demonstrated need to examine transportation in greater depth in samples of female offenders. To investigate transportation among female offenders, Northcutt Bohmert  (n.d.) extended existing definitions of dependable transportation—cost, travel time, ease, safety, and stress of travel—to include additional metrics that specifically reflect the needs unique to criminal-justice involved women. The remainder of the chapter details the findings of that research. Sections, in order, consider the following issues: establishing the prevalence of dependable access to transportation, presenting the findings of a thematic analysis that highlights problematic outcomes women experience as a result of limited access to dependable transportation, describing agentic strategies women use to increase their access to transportation, and finally, proposing changes to existing supervision practices and criminal justice policies that may increase individuals’ access to dependable transportation."


Northcutt Bohmert, Miriam (2017). Transportation issues. In C. Marcum & L. Carter (Eds.), Female Offenders and Reentry: Pathways and Barriers to Returning to Society. (Chapter 2). New York, NY: Routledge Press.