White-Collar and Corporate Crime in China

White-Collar and Corporate Crime in China
Henry N. Pontell, Adam Ghazi-Tehrani, Bryan Burton
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From the book chapter:

White-collar and corporate crimes are ubiquitous in The People's Republic of China as they are elsewhere. This chapter discusses the literature addressing such lawbreaking within the unique context of Chinese society, including the lack of reliable official data, theoretical explanations, the system of guanxi which fosters corruption, the role of the media, and enforcement and regulatory capacity issues. Case studies are offered that further illuminate comparisons with other countries. Policy and theoretical implications are offered as well as directions for future research.


Pontell, H., Ghazi-Tehrani, A., Burton, B. (2018). White-Collar and Corporate Crime in China.  In M. Rorie (Ed.), Wiley Handbook of White-Collar Crime (pp. 30). Wiley.